Friday, April 23, 2010

He's a lumberjack? Is he OK?

The neighborhood is all a twitter. Word on the street is that Fuddsy plans to cut down the pine trees that tower over his house. And he intends to do it himself.

It's probably true. He's spray painted yellow Xs on the trees he wants to remove, just like a real lumberjack.

The pines are about 90 feet high and might fall on neighboring houses, including mine, if they are dropped incorrectly.

There's no doubt that something has to be done. The trees have been falling branch by branch particularly during winter nor'easters when the limbs are caked with a cement-like layer of wet snow. We sleep on the couch in the living room during partcularly windy storms to avoid the The Big Bang.

A 90-footer with a trunk as wide as a coffee table fell in the front yard a few years ago. It fell away from the house and knocked down four telephone poles that went down like dominos when the trunk hit the wires. The electricity was out for hours. Luckily, it blocked the street so the town removed it. The load filled a flatbed truck.

After the excitement,Insurance Man, a couple of doors down, had his pines removed a at a cost of $3,000. The Southern Immigrants on the other side of Fuddsy had theirs removed at a cost of $10,000. Both jobs were done by professional lumberjacks assisted by a gigantic crane that towered over the trees and held them as they were removed piece by piece.
Fuddsy is said to have rented a bucket truck for the project. The smart money says its way to small for the project. We'll see. It ought to be entertaining.


  1. Sounds like fun entertainment watching from the back porch with a beer. Can I come?

  2. You better buy a hard hat and be ready!
