Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Three Bags...

Spring is the time when a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of love. My fancy has more earthy concerns. My mind turns to thoughts of poop.
While the return of warm weather isnpires some to rake their lawns, tend their garden, or go for a long walk in the woods, it motivates me to grab a plastic grocery bag and venture out into the newly revealed backyard where like a giant Easter bunny, Mike the Labroador Retriever has been depositing spring surprises since the snow began to fly last November.
Buried by successive snow storms some of the little packages have been in the deep freeze for months. So like Groundskeeper Willie, I spring into action at the first sight of defrosted lawn, before my neighbors, or my nose, tells me that I've been remiss in my duties.
Consequently, yesterday morning while the neighbors power walked with dumbells in their hands and the dog cavorted in the sunshine, I was stooping over a fragrant bundle with a plastic bag in one hand,
"Enjoying the weather?" asked one sweat sujited stroller.
"Yes, sir. Yes,sir. Three bags full."


  1. That may OK for Mike the Lab, but in terms of young men's fancies, there is always your amazing wife.

  2. Don't tell anyone, but I was reading this blog post while your wife was teaching at the Nackey Loeb School tonight! Is that ethical?!
    I love your writing style and your choice of words when describing poop bags as "dumbells" and I love that you chose to describe the bags as "fragrant". Brilliant!
    From what I can tell, you want to spend more time blogging than cleaning the yard, so I suggest you visit (I know her & don't get paid for referrals)and cross that chore off your list!

  3. Apparently Mikey's number two is your number 1! Love the blog btw! Looking forward to reading more...
